Northamptonshire v Bedfordshire

Following on from last summer’s very successful postal shoot Bedfordshire have challenged Northants to a postal Frostbite.

This would seem to fit into Bob’s cunning plan of promoting a Club Frostbite league over the winter!

You can enter as many scores as you wish, but final scores need to be with the County team captain by 26th February 23.

Bob will compile scores and he and I will ensure they reach Martin Ross in time.

Our field is currently set up with four bosses at 30m to suit a senior frostbite round. The county are looking for scores from Junior archers who will shoot at shorter distances subject to their age. I plan after Christmas to invite all the clubs juniors to shoot their appropriate round and submit their scores. Juniors are of course welcome at other times and on Sunday mornings. The field layout will be adjusted to suit providing there are sufficient persons available able to make the changes needed.

Scores from all bow styles are being accepted, if shooting in a traditional class please ensure that wooden arrows are used otherwise the score will not count.

I would be delighted if Targetcraft could provide the backbone of the County Team and who knows, you might just earn a County badge 🙂

If you have not yet tried a frostbite, this hopefully provides a good incentive, 36 arrows, 10 zone scoring and what’s more Bob has AGB Frostbite badges to “give away”!


Chair – Targetcraft Archers CIO

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