Dear Targetcraft Archers member
As you know, our new financial year starts on 1st October and club, county, region and national fees will again be due. Our committee have decided to maintain club fees at last years level and we understand EMAS have done the same. Archery GB have increased their fees by approximately 6% and we are still awaiting a final decision from NCAS but do not expect any change from last year.
We believe that our club provides good value with our outdoor facility being available 365 days per year and with the provision of indoor shooting two evenings per week during the winter months.
You will receive by post the renewal documentation, please would you complete and return this in a timely fashion. For our cub membership secretary and treasurer this is an incredibly busy period for them and your prompt response would greatly help them. If you will not be renewing, please use the documentation and stamped addressed envelope to let us know and, if you would like to, please provide the reason for your decision.
I would also remind you that the club’s AGM is being held on 31st August at Montsaye. At this meeting your club officers will be elected for the 2023 / 24 year. The AGM is an opportunity for all club members to share their thoughts and views on any aspect of the club. Our club has no employees and is run exclusively by volunteers, as a club member your input is not only welcomed but needed.
The indoor season will be with us all too soon and dates will be published shortly. The last two indoor seasons have been difficult due initially to official COVID restrictions and then the COVID avoidance initiatives that we implemented last year. The intention this year is to return to “normal” practice. Tuesday evenings will be used for general practice and coaching sessions whilst the Friday session will be used for shooting indoor rounds that can be used to determine handicaps and classifications. These rounds can also be used to set club and County records. We also hope to revive our club handicap ladder which brings the opportunity for club members to challenge those above them and take their place! If, however you would prefer not to shoot the rounds on a Friday, please come along anyway and use the evenings as another practice session.
How will these evening be different to the last two years? The intention is that there will not be a booking system, instead there will be a white board inside the hall marked out with 10 bosses with four shooting spaces per boss. With the exception of boss 1 and 2 which may be used for beginners’ courses, taster sessions or coaching there are no “reserved” bosses. I would recommend that, if possible, you change boss each week in order to meet and get to know as many club members as possible. We do try to keep the compound archers on the three foam bosses but these are not exclusively for their use and you should feel free to join them irrespective of your bow style. When you enter the hall, put your name down in one of the spaces. For those new to the club and to Indoor archery, we shoot predominately at 20 yards, three arrows per end with up to four people on each boss shooting in two details. We generally shoot on smaller target faces (60cm / 40 cm) but will have with us full size (122 cm) faces for those wishing to attain their 252 badge at this distance.
We will of course update and change our shooting arrangements if and when needed or advised to do so.
We are also investigating with Montsaye if we can change some of our Friday evening sessions for Sunday mornings in order to help some of those who would like to shoot but who find it not possible to meet with us on Friday evenings. We will advise the outcome of these discussions as soon as possible.
Best Regards
Tim Bull
Chair/Lead Coach – Targetcraft Archers CIO