Dear Targetcraft Members
Our first indoor club night this year will be Tuesday 3rd October at Montsaye Community Sports Centre, Greening Road, Rothwell. Our bookings commences at 6pm and finishes at 9pm. 
Volunteers Needed – Can you help please?:
We plan to move our equipment from West Lodge to Montsaye on Saturday 30th September. We have on this day also booked a skip to be delivered to our West Lodge shooting ground. During the morning of the 30th we would like volunteers to help clear rubbish, tidy the field, re-set the field layout, load the equipment that is needed at Montsaye into Gary’s van and then help move the equipment into our storage facility at Montsaye at approximately midday.
Shooting at West Lodge
As you are aware our shooting ground is available to club members 365 days per year. Whilst we will be moving some equipment to Montsaye, we ensure that a good number of bosses remain. A number will be set at 30m to facilitate the Sunday morning “Frostbite” league. All club members are welcome to participate in this weekly shoot (3 dozen arrows at 30m on an 80cm face). 
Shooting at Montsaye
We have, as in past years booked Montsaye on Tuesday and Friday evenings from October through to April. We will also trial this year shooting on some Sunday mornings instead of Friday evenings to assess the effect this has on participation.  If these trials prove successful, we will discuss with the management at Montsaye swapping some other Fridays for Sundays after Christmas. Please keep an eye on the club website and Club calendar for details of the shooting arrangements.
As advised, there will this year be no advance booking system for our indoor shooting. If possible, please arrive in time to help set out the hall and if this is not possible, please try and stay to the end to help pack away. 
There will be a white board located inside the sports hall. This will be marked up with 10 bosses. We allow up to 4 archers per boss, please place you name or initials against any one of the bosses. The four spaces for archers will be marked up AB, CD. We shoot in two details A & B shoot first, (A on the left of the boss, B on the right) followed by C & D (C on the left of the boss, D on the right).
It is good etiquette to shoot 3 arrow ends.
Coaching at Montsaye
We will, on the club web site, have an area to book coaching slots on most Tuesday evenings. There will be a mixture of 30 minute and 15-minute slots available to provide help with Technique, equipment & tuning. We will also be offering to all members a range of presentations covering Technique, Equipment, Mental preparation, Physical preparation and Organisation (TEMPO). 
We look forward to seeing you
Please make good use of the Montsaye facility, You are paying for it with your club membership.
It is in my experience one of the best indoor shooting venues in the Country. Our Tuesday club nights are for practice, coaching and socialising whilst our Friday sessions can be whatever you want them to be. There is an opportunity to shoot indoor rounds that can be used to determine your indoor handicap and classification, you can compete for the monthly medal or chase club and County records. The club “Portsmouth” ladder allows you to challenge any club member and take their place on the ladder. As results are based on handicaps thee is an equal chance of success. If that’s not for you come along to shoot more casually and some of our members are inclined to bring in some freshly baked goodies to share!
Let’s have a great indoor season.
Tim Bull
Chair | Lead Coach – Targetcraft Archers CIO

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